Australian Rat Fanciers Society
(AusRFS Victoria)
An organisation dedicated to the
welfare and promotion of pet rats.
Founded in 1996 ... for the love of rats!
Rat Facts
The rats kept as pets are Rattus norvegicus (the Norway or Brown rat) this refers to their species not their colour! Our pets come in a wide variety of colours from white, fawn and brown through to black, and also in many different patterns.
Pet rats have been domesticated for hundreds of years, to the point where they are as different from wild rats as a Poodle is from a Wolf.

Rats do not smell (unlike mice). They are extremely clean, and groom themselves in the same way a cat does.
The average life span of a pet rat is 2-3 years.
Rats are social and should always be kept in pairs or groups.
A group of rats is referred to as a “Mischief”.
Formally females are called Does, males are Bucks & babies are Pups. But most people just call them, girls, boys & babies!
Females weigh around 400 grams. Males weigh about 600 grams but some can reach over 1 kilo !
Females come on heat every 4-5 days (for about 24 hours) and can get pregnant immediately after giving birth.
Gestation time is 21-24 days. Litters are usually between 4-24.
Rat puppies are weaned at 4-5 weeks, they are completely independent at 6 weeks and reach puberty at 6-8 weeks.
It is very rare for a well socialised pet rat to bite.
You won’t catch “the plague” from a pet rat!
Pet rats don’t need vaccinations.