Australian Rat Fanciers Society
(AusRFS Victoria)
An organisation dedicated to the
welfare and promotion of pet rats.
Founded in 1996 ... for the love of rats!
AusRFS Brochure
The AusRFS brochure is 20 pages. The first half provides basic information on pet rats, the second half is about the AusRFS and includes a list of events for the current year.
Free printed copies are available at all AusRFS events or by contacting the AusRFS.
All rats featured in this years brochure are either wards of the AusRFS Rescue Service (at time of printing) or have been adopted from our Rescue Service by AusRFS members.
Click HERE to download a copy.
The Pet Rat Care Guide
3rd Edition (2021)
The Pet Rat Care Guide is fully illustrated, quality publication that contains everything the Australian Pet Rat owner needs to know.
With information specific to pet rats in this country.
Introduction to Pet Rats
Starting out with Pet Rats (What to expect, where to buy, choosing your new pet)
Physical Characteristics (Varieties, Colours & Patterns, Reproduction, babies, Males/Females)
Behavour & Temperament (Senses & Awareness and everything else !)
Housing & Supplies (Cages, Accessories etc)
Life with Pet Rats (Getting to know your rat, caring for your rat, fun times, out and about)
Diet & Nutrition (feeding your rat, tips and suggestions)
Health (Environment, Vets, Parasites, Respiratory Infections, Other diseases and Health issues, First Aid, Surgery, Ageing, End of Life issues)
Species & Origins
History (Association with humans)
and more........
Available at all AusRFS events or by contacting the club
Free To new AusRFS members
$20 (plus $11.30 postage) AusRFS members who received a free copy of the a previous edition
$25 (plus $11.30 postage) Non-Members
(Anyone buying a printed version of the book, then subsequently joining the AusRFS is entitled to a $10 discount off their joining fee)
Available by contacting the AusRFS, the book can be emailed to you.
Free To all AusRFS members (download from the Members Only page)
$20 Non-Members (via email)
Please email the AusRFS on
If ordering a printed copy, remember to include your postal address.
Payment can be made by Direct Deposit into the club account using your name and the word "book" as a note/reference to the transaction so we can identify who the payment has come from and what its for.
Bank Account Details
BSB: 033060
Account No: 328949
Name: Australian Rat Fanciers Society Inc.
This book represents many, many hours of work by club members.
All photos and graphics are the work of AusRFS members (at time of printing)
All rats featured are owned by AusRFS members
Other Publications
The AusRFS also produces a range of advice sheets, covering such things as cage selection, health issues etc.
All photos in our publications and website are taken by AusRFS members,
all rats featured are either owned by AusRFS members
or are wards of the AusRFS Rescue Service.